Fortune Wonder

Ring of Sparkling Togetherness - Mammoth Sized

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Material: Crystal and Brass
Color: Clear and Silver
Dimension(in): 2x2x2.5 in ring; 3.7x2.8x0.9 in base
Weight: 150g
ID: SL11830

Product Description
This dazzling gigantic ring features pure crystal elegance. It cannot be worn at your finger due to its magnified size, but when you flaunt it in your love corners, you can watch the play of light as the clear cut crystal sparkles and shines like a huge diamond ring. Its smooth surface is gracefully engraved with the auspicious symbol of Double Happiness, Dragon-Phoenix and a Taoist Incantation of Commitment. Inspired by the need to activate its true potential and power, a shy energy infused tag is hidden under the base where the ring comfortably rest on. The ring symbolizes eternal love. Pre-wedding customs considers the ring to be the last of all gift during an engagement, which brings about a lifetime of love commitment. Post-wedding ring connotes that a married couple symbolically declares their un-ending love for each other, staying through thick and thin together.

For the attached who have become impatient in waiting, this ring accelerates a marriage proposal. For those whose steady relationship lacks excitement, it can ignite passion back into the relationship, bringing good tidings with happy outcome and romance. For married ones, it enables the marriage to be greeted by stability and happiness.

This ring of conjugal bliss with the powerful taoist incantation binds couple together, draws commitment, instills harmony, protects couple from falling into love triangle and prevents separation. It also helps to get rid of any third party involvement and helps the beholder emerge as a winner in a love triangle if it ever occurs. The recent development of multiple social networking instruments such as Facebook, Whatsapp, Messenger, Viber, Kakao Talk, Talkbox, Line etc had paved way for more interaction and freedom of friendship between sexes. Unfortunately, this can most of the time lead to scandals and affairs out of the wedlock. Both men and women who are friendly, sexy, attractive and capable often gets attention from the lonely ones and fall into the prey of third party seduction due to carelessness and curiosity.

This item is energy infused and comes with a certificate of authenticity.

Where to display the ring? 

1) Display the ring in the Northwest corner of your living room to magnify Patriarch luck and secure harmony in relationship.

2) Display the ring in the Southwest corner to favour Matriarch luck and to favor love and relationship. 

3) For women and men trying to secure the love relationship from being broken, display it in your personal nien yen direction (not your partner's) according to your kua number

4) For couples who stay together, this is the perfect ring to be displayed in the bedroom to generate long lasting love and a successful relationship. 

5) Display it in the location of the house where the annual Long Term Love Star #9 locates.