Feng Shui Rule Uncovered: Differentiating Between Missing Corners and Projections

(Copyright reserved by FORTUNE WONDER. This article is created and written by our Feng Shui Scholars)

In Feng Shui, the most ideal type of house or lot shape is a “regular” square or rectangle, which provides energy balance, equilibrium and harmony. Unfortunately, modern architecture most of the time does not consider regular shape to compromise its design. This may result in projection and missing corner in a house or lot, which undeniably affects one’s feng shui.

Many feng shui masters or practitioners tend to ignore a projection and missing corner during a feng shui audit, either because they are uncertain about the accurate rules surrounding it or they are confused between the two. This article helps to hilight this fact that needs to be considered in identifying the feng shui of a house and to clarify the difference between the two.

A projection is defined as an extended space of an area. The area here is referring to one or more of the 8 sectors of a flying star natal chart or a bagua chart which you superimpose on your house plan. If the chi (energy) in this expanded space is positive and ideal, it will be amplified further to provide positive influence to your life. For example, if there are good flying star such as #8 in the specific area, it will be amplified further to give the family riches. Or if ones “sheng chi” direction is in the projection, he or she will benefit greatly from it even more. But if the chi (energy) is negative and bad, it will be amplified further to provide negative influence to your life. For example if there is an illness star#2 in the projected area, it will cause more severe illness to the occupants living in that house. The chi (energy) in a certain area is determined by the 1. natal flying star combination, 2. the annual afflictions and 3. whether the direction matches one’s personal kua number or not. The effects above will apply for Classical Feng Shui believers practising 8 Mansions Theory and Flying Stars Feng Shui. For those who practise Bagua 8 Aspirations and Black Sect Hat Tantric Feng Shui, the effects of a projection will always be positive, because it will amplify one of the aspirations in their life, enriching an aspiration in specific. For example, if the projection is in the SE wealth corner, then the occupants of that house will enjoy tremendous wealth luck compared to the other aspirations. In general, most feng shui masters use the trigram meanings of each direction to describe the probable outcome of a projection:

1. Northwest – The house is blessed with a capable male breadwinner of the house. All individuals are competitive.

2. West – Family harmonious and happy. Descendant luck aplenty.

3. South – Positive reputation, good social linkages and recognition.

4. East – Impulsive in decision making. Progressive and efficient.

5. Southeast – Needs to work harder than usual to earn a living. 

6. North – Family surrounded by many good and desirable friendships.

7. Northeast – Suitable for those whose career are in design, research and development. 

8. Southwest – Female members of the family will outshine the male members. Good for daughters.

A missing corner on the other hand is a proportion of an area dissappearing or shrunk. The area here is also referring to one or more of the 8 sectors of a flying star natal chart or a bagua chart which you superimpose on your house plan. A missing corner is not necessarily bad though, depending on how you look at it. Again, it depends on the chi (energy) in this missing space, whether it is positive or negative. Again the chi (energy) in a certain area is determined by the 1. natal flying star combination, 2. the annual afflictions and 3. whether the direction matches one’s personal kua number or not. If the chi (energy) is positive, then it will go to waste because the corner is missing. For example if wealth star #8 goes into this missing corner, then it simply means that the occupants will not be able to benefit from it. Also if someone’s “sheng chi” direction falls into this corner, then it will go to waste because he will not be able to optimize this location. However, if there is bad chi such as combinations of 2-3 and 2-5 or chueh ming in the missing corner, it will benefit you greatly because you will not be influenced by them then. For those who practise Bagua 8 Aspirations Theory and Black Sect Tantric Feng Shui, the effects of a missing corner will always be negative, because it will cause an aspiration in their life to go missing. For example, if the missing corner is in the NE literary corner, then the occupants of that house will not achieve scholastic capability. But in general, feng shui masters will not recommend one to buy a new house that has a missing corner because missing corners will contribute to odd shape or sharp corner resulting in “chi” being confused. Occupants of an odd shape house will not be at peace all the time, bombarded by obstacles, instability, troubles, misfortunes and mishaps. To sum up, a house with one or more missing corners is considered as a bad house and should be avoided. In general, most feng shui masters use the trigram meanings of each direction to desribe the probable outcome of a missing corner:


1. Northwest – Disharmony and frequent quarrels among family members. Father of the house is susceptible to all kinds of harm. Brings about injuries or health problems associated to the head. Occupants will also suffer from blood pressure issues.

2. West – Family members tend to be flirtatious and involved in 3rd party scandals. Youngest daughter is susceptible to all kinds of harm. Occupants will be facing love problems and issues related to the mouth and breathing.

3. South – Poor network and always encountering petty people. Middle daughter is susceptible to all kinds of harm. Occupants will suffer from eye and heart diseases.

4. East – Morale compass is low and family always feel down and discouraged. There is no future for the eldest son of the family. Occupants will suffer from health issues related to the foot.

5. Southeast – Pregnancy setbacks will be encountered. Newly weds must avoid such type of house. Eldest daughter will face love affairs and career challenges. Occupants of the house will have issues related to the blood and thigh.

6. North – High risk of accidents for family members. Middle son will be most susceptible to harm. Occupants will most probably end up having kidney diseases.

7. Northeast – Family has poor planning issues, thus facing many obstacles in life. Youngest son may not make it to the university/college education. Occupants will be facing overall health problems and anything associated to the hands.

8. Southwest – Broken family with many relationship issues between husband and wife. The mother will suffer from ill health. Entire family will not be happy and not going to be successful. Occupants will be having health related issues associated to the stomach.

Before we can determine a projection or a missing corner, it is very important to obtain an architect drawing or a scatch that is accurately drawn to scale. Then start applying the “half rule” and the “one-third rule” as detailed below.


The "half rule" as shown in the diagram above indicates the following:
  1. If the projected part is less than half of the entire length of its side, it is called a PROJECTION. 
  2. If the projected part is more than half of the entire length of its side, it is called a MISSING CORNER. 


The "one-third rule" as shown in the diagram above indicates the following:
  1. If the missing part is more than "one third" of the entire length of its side, it is called a PROJECTION. That means you have two projections.
  2. If the missing part is less than "one third" of the entire length of its side, it is called a MISSING AREA. 


Curing missing corners is not so easy, because as a matter of fact there is no space to contain the chi distribution in the affected of the house. Some feng shui masters would ensure that the internal corners of missing areas be cured with the faceted crystal balls as shown in the diagram above.